Module 1: Transforming Geometric Objects

Topic 1: Rigid Motion Transformations

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Patty Paper, Patty Paper | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Slides, Flips, and Spins | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Lateral Moves | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Mirror, Mirror | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: Half Turns and Quarter Turns | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 6: Every Which Way | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Patty Paper, Patty Paper | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Slides, Flips, and Spins | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Lateral Moves | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Mirror, Mirror | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 5: Half Turns and Quarter Turns | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 6: Every Which Way | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 1: Rigid Motion Transformations | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Similarity

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Pinch-Zoom Geometry | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Rising, Running, Stepping, Scaling | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: From Here to There | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Pinch-Zoom Geometry | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Rising, Running, Stepping, Scaling | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: From Here to There | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 2: Similarity | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Line and Angle Relationships

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Seeing It From a Different Angle | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Pulling a One-Eighty! | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Crisscrossed Applesauce | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: The Vanishing Point | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Seeing It From a Different Angle | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Pulling a One-Eighty! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Crisscrossed Applesauce | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: The Vanishing Point | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 3: Line and Angle Relationships | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Module 2: Developing Function Foundations

Topic 1: From Proportions to Linear Relationships 

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Post-Secondary Proportions | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Slippery Slopes | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Up, Down, and All Around | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Post-Secondary Proportions | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Slippery Slopes | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Up, Down, and All Around | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 1: From Proportions to Linear Relationships | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Two-Step Equations and Inequalities 

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Picture Algebra | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Expressions That Play Together… | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Formally Yours | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Be Greater Than | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Picture Algebra | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Expressions That Play Together… | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Formally Yours | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Be Greater Than | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 2: Two-Step Equations and Inequalities | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Multiple Representations of Equations 

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Put It on the Plane | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Stretches, Stacks, and Structure | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Deep Flight I | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Texas Tea and Temperature | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Put It on the Plane | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Stretches, Stacks, and Structure | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Deep Flight I | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Texas Tea and Temperature | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 3: Multiple Representations of Equations | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 4: Linear Relationships 

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: U.S. Shirts | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: At the Arcade | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Dining, Dancing, Driving | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Derby Day | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: U.S. Shirts | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: At the Arcade | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Dining, Dancing, Driving | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Derby Day | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 4: Linear Relationships | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 5: Introduction to Functions

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Patterns, Sequences, Rules… | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Once Upon a Graph | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: One or More Xs to One Y | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Over the River and Through the Woods | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: Comparing Apples to Oranges | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Patterns, Sequences, Rules… | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Once Upon a Graph | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: One or More Xs to One Y | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Over the River and Through the Woods | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 5: Comparing Apples to Oranges | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 5: Introduction to Functions | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Module 3: Modeling Linear Equations

Topic 1: Patterns in Bivariate Data

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Pass the Squeeze | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Where Do You Buy Your Books? | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Mia Is Growing Like a Weed | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: The Stroop Test | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Pass the Squeeze | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Where Do You Buy Your Books? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Mia Is Growing Like a Weed | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: The Stroop Test | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 1: Patterns in Bivariate Data | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Solving Linear Equations

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Solving Strategically | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: DVDs and MP3s | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Solving Strategically | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: DVDs and MP3s | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 2: Solving Linear Equations | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Systems of Linear Equations

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Crossing Paths | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: The Road Less Traveled | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Roller Rink Rockin’ | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Crossing Paths | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: The Road Less Traveled | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Roller Rink Rockin’ | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 3: Systems of Linear Equations | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Module 4: Applying Powers

Topic 1: Real Numbers

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: So Many Numbers, So Little Time | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Rational Decisions | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Establishing Roots | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: The Big and Small of It | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: So Many Numbers, So Little Time | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Rational Decisions | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Establishing Roots | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: The Big and Small of It | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 1: Real Numbers | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: The Pythagorean Theorem

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: The Right Triangle Connection | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Can That Be Right? | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Pythagoras Meets Descartes | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Catty Corner | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: The Right Triangle Connection | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Can That Be Right? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Pythagoras Meets Descartes | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Catty Corner | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 2: The Pythagorean Theorem | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Three-Dimensional Figures

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Hey, Mister, Got Some Bird Seed? | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Sounds Like Surface Area | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: More Than Four Sides of the Story | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Hey, Mister, Got Some Bird Seed? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Sounds Like Surface Area | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: More Than Four Sides of the Story | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 3: Three-Dimensional Figures | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 4: Volume of Curved Figures

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Start the Drum Roll! | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Cone of Silence | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Pulled in All Directions | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Pack It Up | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Start the Drum Roll! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Cone of Silence | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Pulled in All Directions | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Pack It Up | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 4: Volume of Curved Figures | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Module 5: Analyzing Populations, Probabilities, and Potential

Topic 1: Introduction to Probability

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, . . . | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Give the Models a Chance | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Toss the Cup | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: A Simulating Conversation | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, . . . | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Give the Models a Chance | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Toss the Cup | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: A Simulating Conversation | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 1: Introduction to Probability | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Compound Probability

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Evens or Odds? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Who Doesn’t Love Puppies?! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Pet Shop Probability | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: On a Hot Streak | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Evens or Odds? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Who Doesn’t Love Puppies?! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Pet Shop Probability | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: On a Hot Streak | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 2: Compound Probability | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Drawing Inferences

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: March MADness | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Let’s Hear From You! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Tiles, Gumballs, and Pumpkins | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Raising the Bar | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: Dark or Spicy? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 6: That’s So Random | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: March MADness | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Let’s Hear From You! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Tiles, Gumballs, and Pumpkins | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Raising the Bar | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 5: Dark or Spicy? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 6: That’s So Random | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 3: Drawing Inferences | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 4: Financial Literacy: Your Financial Future

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Terms of Financial Endearment | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: On Good Terms | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Tech Savvy and Responsible | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Why All the Fuss Over Post-Secondary Education? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Terms of Financial Endearment | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: On Good Terms | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Tech Savvy and Responsible | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Why All the Fuss Over Post-Secondary Education? | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 4: Financial Literacy: Your Financial Future | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key