Lesson Introduction

Overview of the Marketing Career Cluster

Marketing Career Cluster logo
The Marketing Career Cluster encompasses careers that require planning, managing, and performing marketing activities to reach organizational objectives. 

Career Pathways
The instructional content for this career cluster is organized into seven career pathways:

  • Buying and Merchandising
  • Distribution and Logistics
  • E-Marketing
  • Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing Communications and Promotion
  • Marketing Information Management and Research
  • Professional Sales and Marketing

Teacher Resources


To help students learn more about careers in marketing, download and distribute the Marketing College and Career Planning Guide.

WBL Experiences

The Practicum in Marketing Dynamics is designed to enable the student to gain new knowledge and skills that help him or her become proficient in one or more of the marketing functional areas. The practicum can be paid or unpaid and occur in a variety of locations.

Be sure to review the related Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) before you create the outline of training.


Take a moment to bookmark the TEKS for Marketing Dynamics.

Course Prerequisites

The Practicum in Marketing Dynamics course is recommended for students in grade 12 who are participating in a coherent sequence of career and technical education (CTE) courses. Students must have completed the Marketing Dynamics course, which may also include a paid or unpaid WBL experience.

Legal and Safety Considerations

Since marketing is both an industry classification and a business function within virtually every other industry, you will need help from training sponsors to identify occupation-specific safety and legal concerns. Typically, the responsibilities are organized as follows:
  • The training sponsor is responsible for providing any training that may be specific to the industry or workstation.
  • The teacher-coordinator is responsible for providing general instruction.

While the ultimate responsibility for following child labor laws belongs to the employer, you could face legal consequences if your students are being asked to perform activities that are prohibited. If students are required to drive, let the training sponsor know about driving restrictions for minors in Texas. Also, advise the training sponsor of the restrictions on sales and solicitation for minors. For restrictions and prohibitions, review Child Labor Bulletin No. 101 (WH-1330) and Child Labor Bulletin No. 102 (WH-1295) which you bookmarked in Section 5.

Pre-Employment Requirements

Some of the most common pre-employment requirements are

  • background checks;
  • protection of proprietary information;
  • non-disclosure agreements;
  • restrictions on cell phone use; and
  • valid driver’s license.

Curriculum Resources

To promote educational excellence in career and technical education, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) launched the Texas CTE Resource Center.






Take a moment to bookmark the Texas CTE Resource Center website. Later, be sure to explore curriculum guidelines and instructional resources for the Education and Training Career Cluster.


Career and technical student organizations (CTSOs) provide students with additional opportunities to acquire and demonstrate skills and abilities related to their chosen career field. 

The CTSO that most closely relates to a career in marketing is DECA, but there may be others in which your students may express interest. Become familiar with them all so you can help students select the organization that best supports their career goals.

You can also direct students to the nine state-recognized CTSOs listed in Section 10.


Take a few moments to bookmark the DECA, Texas Association website to explore later.

Professional Associations

Get involved in at least one CTE professional association. They are excellent sources of cluster-specific teaching tools, ideas, networking, and mentors. There are several professional association related to marketing careers, including those listed below. You may also want to check with your colleagues for advice.

Given the broad scope and diversity of marketing, teachers may also want to consider membership in other CTE professional associations recognized by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). 



Take a few moments to bookmark the CTE professional association websites below to explore later.

Marketing Educators of Texas
Texas Business and Technology Educators Association (TBTEA)

View the entire list of TEA-recognized state and national CTE professional associations at the link below.

Professional Associations for CTE Educators

Lesson Conclusion