Determining Parent Functions (Verbal/Graph)

Given a graph or verbal description of a function, the student will determine the parent function.
Determining Reasonable Domains and Ranges (Verbal/Graph)

Given a graph and/or verbal description of a situation (both continuous and discrete), the student will identify mathematical domains and ranges and determine reasonable domain and range values for the given situations.
Interpreting Graphs

Given a graph, the student will analyze, interpret, and communcate the mathematical relationship represented and its characteristics.
Interpreting Scatterplots

Given scatterplots that represent problem situations, the student will determine if the data has strong vs weak correlation as well as positive, negative, or no correlation.
Making Predictions and Critical Judgments (Table/Verbal)

Given verbal descriptions and tables that represent problem situations, the student will make predictions for real-world problems.
Collecting Data and Making Predictions

Given an experimental situation, the student will write linear functions that provide a reasonable fit to data to estimate the solutions and make predictions.
Writing Expressions to Model Patterns (Table/Pictorial → Symbolic)

Given a pictorial or tabular representation of a pattern and the value of several of their terms, the student will write a formula for the nth term of a sequences.
Analyzing the Effects of the Changes in m and b on the Graph of y = mx + b

Given algebraic, graphical, or verbal representations of linear functions, the student will determine the effects on the graph of the parent function f(x) = x.
Writing Equations of Lines

Given two points, the slope and a point, or the slope and the y-intercept, the student will write linear equations in two variables.
Predicting, Finding, and Justifying Data from an Equation

Given data in the form of an equation, the student will use the equation to interpret solutions to problems.
Writing Equations to Describe Functional Relationships (Table → Equation)

Given a problem situation represented in verbal or symbolic form, the student will identify functions.
Writing Verbal Descriptions of Functional Relationships

Given a problem situation containing a functional relationship, the student will verbally describe the functional relationship that exists.
Writing Inequalities to Describe Relationships (Graph → Symbolic)

Given the graph of an inequality, students will write the symbolic representation of the inequality.
Writing Inequalities to Describe Relationships (Symbolic → Graph)

Describe functional relationships for given problem situations, and write equations or inequalities to answer questions arising from the situations.
Connecting Multiple Representations of Functions

The student will consider multiple representations of linear functions, including tables, mapping diagrams, graphs, and verbal descriptions.
Writing the Symbolic Representation of a Function (Graph → Symbolic)

Given the graph of a linear or quadratic function, the student will write the symbolic representation of the function.
Kid2Kid: Determining the Meaning of Slope and Intercepts

Kid2Kid videos on determining the meaning of slope and intercepts in English and Spanish
Determining the Domain and Range for Linear Functions

Given a real-world situation that can be modeled by a linear function or a graph of a linear function, the student will determine and represent the reasonable domain and range of the linear function using inequalities.
Investigating Methods for Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities

Given linear equations and inequalities, the student will investigate methods for solving the equations or inequalities.
Selecting a Method to Solve Equations or Inequalities

Given an equation or inequality, the student will select a method (algebraically, graphically, or calculator) to solve the equation or inequality.