Lesson Introduction
Purpose of a CTE Manual
Topics Typically Included in a CTE Manual
The topics that a school’s or district’s CTE policies and procedures manual covers will vary based on the specific needs of the school and community, but most include
- statement of non-discrimination;
- CTE programs of study and course descriptions;
- Career and Technical Education Student Organizations (CTSOs) guidelines;
- CTE teacher roles and responsibilities;
- CTE advisory committee guidelines;
- CTE equipment and materials purchase, use, maintenance, and inventory guidelines; and
- CTE program implementation and management guidelines.
The guidelines include topics such as
- general safety;
- requisitions and purchasing;
- money collection and deposits;
- student permission forms and medical releases;
- transportation;
- student travel policies and forms;
- professional development policies;
- extended hours compensation for CTE teachers; and
- CTE student licensures and certifications.
If a district does not have a written CTE policies and procedures manual, work with the CTE administrator to create one that contains the topics listed here.
Take a few moments to explore this example of a CTE Program Procedures manual for the La Joya Independent School District in Texas before moving on. This district's policy manual is included as an example only and as such, is not meant to imply that your manual must be exactly like this model.
Quick Check
Lesson Review
Lesson Conclusion