6 Section 2: Education Laws and Rules

This section provides an overview of general state and federal education laws and rules related to work-based learning (WBL).
5 Section 4: Local School Policies

This section discusses local school policies pertain to work-based learning (WBL), as well as how those policies are typically applied in Texas high schools.
5 Section 3: Texas Education Agency Rules Impacting Work-Based Learning

This section describes Texas Education Agency (TEA) rules related to work-based learning (WBL), with an emphasis on Section V of the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) and rules regarding career preparation and practicum courses. In addition, it provides a brief overview of career and technical education (CTE) funding and coding guidelines.
4 Section 7: Training Plans for Career Preparation and Practicum Courses

This section explains what a work-based learning (WBL) training plan is, how it is used, why it is important, and how to correctly complete it.
6 Section 5: Workplace Laws and Rules

This section describes workplace laws and rules that must be considered when overseeing student work-based learning (WBL) experiences and where to find additional information and resources related to the laws and rules.
7 Section 6: WBL Training Sites

This section explains how to identify and select appropriate training stations for students’ WBL experiences, and ensure that training sponsors understand their responsibilities.
4 Section 8: Recordkeeping and Documentation for WBL

This section describes the records that the Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires work-based learning (WBL) teacher-coordinators to verify, produce, and/or maintain to comply with federal and state laws and policies.
8 Section 9: Timeline for Implementing an WBL Program

This section explains the critical tasks and typical timeline for implementing work-based learning (WBL) in career preparation and practicum courses.
10 Section 10: Classroom Tips for WBL

This section explores some classroom practices that experienced work-based learning (WBL) instructors recommend for implementing the classroom component of WBL. Learners will learn strategies that will help them establish expectations, manage the WBL classroom, work with special populations, and much more.
5 Section 12: Preparing WBL Students for Life After Graduation

The primary purpose of career and technical education (CTE) is to prepare students for life beyond high school by helping them develop the academic, technical, and employability skills needed to pursue their chosen career. Participating in a work-based learning (WBL) experience is a major milestone on a CTE student’s career pathway. This section describes the WBL instructor’s critical role in preparing students for the transition from high school to the next phase of their life journey. It includes the definition of “college and career readiness,” a description of post-secondary opportunities for students, and a list of recommended WBL activities for students.