Pilot Grade 7 Math

In this course, students will build understanding of the following modules: Thinking Proportionally, Applying Proportionality, Reasoning Algebraically, Analyzing Populations and Probabilities, and Constructing and Measuring.
Each module is broken up into topics where you will find teacher materials to guide the instruction and the student materials both used in the classroom for learning together and learning individually.
The agency developed these learning resources as a contingency option for school districts during COVID. All resources are optional. Prior to publication, materials go through a rigorous third-party review. Review criteria include TEKS alignment, support for all learners, progress monitoring, implementation supports, and more. Products also are subject to a focus group of Texas educators.
Pilot Grade 6 Math Spanish

En este curso, los estudiantes desarrollarán la comprensión de los siguientes módulos: Componer y descomponer, Relacionar cantidades, Más allá de las cantidades positivas, Determinar cantidades desconocidas y Descripción de la variabilidad de las cantidades.
Cada módulo está compuesto de temas donde se encontrarán materiales para maestros para guiar la instrucción y materiales para el uso de los estudiantes en el aula para el aprendizaje en grupo e individual.
La agencia desarrolló estos recursos de aprendizaje como una opción de contingencia para los distritos escolares durante COVID. Todos los recursos son opcionales. Antes de su publicación, los materiales pasan por una rigorosa revisión por parte de terceros. Los criterios de la revisión incluyen la alineación con TEKS, el apoyo para todos los estudiantes, el monitoreo progresivo, el apoyo en la implementación y más. Los productos también están sujetos a un grupo de educadores de Texas.
Pilot Geometry

In this course, students will build understanding of the following modules: Reasoning with Shapes, Establishing Congruence, Investigating Proportionality, Connecting Geometric and Algebraic Descriptions, and Making Informed Decisions.
Each module is broken up into topics where you will find teacher materials to guide the instruction and the student materials both used in the classroom for learning together and learning individually.
The agency developed these learning resources as a contingency option for school districts during COVID. All resources are optional. Prior to publication, materials go through a rigorous third-party review. Review criteria include TEKS alignment, support for all learners, progress monitoring, implementation supports, and more. Products also are subject to a focus group of Texas educators.
Pilot Grade 6 Math Acceleration

In this course, students will build understanding of the following modules: Composing and Decomposing, Relating Quantities, Moving Beyond Positive Quantities, Determining Unknown Quantities, Thinking Proportionally, and Describing Variability of Quantities.
Each module is broken up into topics where you will find teacher materials to guide the instruction and the student materials both used in the classroom for learning together and learning individually.
The agency developed these learning resources as a contingency option for school districts during COVID. All resources are optional. Prior to publication, materials go through a rigorous third-party review. Review criteria include TEKS alignment, support for all learners, progress monitoring, implementation supports, and more. Products also are subject to a focus group of Texas educators.
Pilot Grade 6 Math

In this course, students will build understanding of the following modules: Composing and Decomposing, Relating Quantities, Moving Beyond Positive Quantities, Determining Unknown Quantities and Describing Variability of Quantities.
Each module is broken up into topics where you will find teacher materials to guide the instruction and the student materials both used in the classroom for learning together and learning individually.
The agency developed these learning resources as a contingency option for school districts during COVID. All resources are optional. Prior to publication, materials go through a rigorous third-party review. Review criteria include TEKS alignment, support for all learners, progress monitoring, implementation supports, and more. Products also are subject to a focus group of Texas educators.
Pilot Algebra Foundations
The primary purpose of the Algebra Foundations course is to promote opportunities for deep understanding of core algebraic concepts to develop algebraic thinkers. The course is composed of 5 topics: Operating with Rational Numbers, Expressions and Equations, Developing Function Foundations, Modeling Linear Equations, and Quadratics. Throughout these topics, students have the opportunity to develop foundational understandings and draw connections to key concepts.
This course is intended to strengthen foundational conceptual understandings from middle school math through Algebra I and is designed to be flexible in meeting the needs of students. Your individual course is created based solely on data that suggests which topics will best develop your students as algebraic thinkers. Each learning session is designed to further develop a skill, and together, these sessions connect skills and concepts to key algebraic understandings. The student learning experience of the Algebra Foundations course promotes conceptual understanding through a focus on active learning and making sense of the mathematics.
Pilot Algebra II

In this course, students will build understanding of the following modules: Exploring Patterns in Linear and Quadratic Relationships, Analyzing Structure, Developing Structural Similarities, Extending Beyond Polynomials, and Inverting Functions.
Each module is broken up into topics where you will find teacher materials to guide the instruction and the student materials both used in the classroom for learning together and learning individually.
The agency developed these learning resources as a contingency option for school districts during COVID. All resources are optional. Prior to publication, materials go through a rigorous third-party review. Review criteria include TEKS alignment, support for all learners, progress monitoring, implementation supports, and more. Products also are subject to a focus group of Texas educators.
Pilot Grade 7 Math Acceleration

In this course, students will build understanding of the following modules: Transforming Geometric Objects, Developing Function Foundations, Modeling Linear Equations, Applying Powers, and Analyzing Populations and Probabilities.
Each module is broken up into topics where you will find teacher materials to guide the instruction and the student materials both used in the classroom for learning together and learning individually.
The agency developed these learning resources as a contingency option for school districts during COVID. All resources are optional. Prior to publication, materials go through a rigorous third-party review. Review criteria include TEKS alignment, support for all learners, progress monitoring, implementation supports, and more. Products also are subject to a focus group of Texas educators.
Pilot Grade 8 Math

In this course, students will build understanding of the following modules: Transforming Geometric Objects, Developing Function Foundations, Data Data Everywhere, Modeling Linear Equations, and Applying Powers.
Each module is broken up into topics where you will find teacher materials to guide the instruction and the student materials both used in the classroom for learning together and learning individually.
The agency developed these learning resources as a contingency option for school districts during COVID. All resources are optional. Prior to publication, materials go through a rigorous third-party review. Review criteria include TEKS alignment, support for all learners, progress monitoring, implementation supports, and more. Products also are subject to a focus group of Texas educators.