Capitalization (English II Writing)

You will learn proofreading techniques to use in checking for correct capitalization.
Spelling (English II Writing)

You will learn proofreading techniques to use in checking for correct spelling.
Strategies for Editing: Practice Lesson 1

You will proofread and mark errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
Annotate for Meaning (English II Reading)

You will learn how to annotate or mark a text as you read and re-read to gain a deeper understanding of the text.
Annotate and Analyze a Paired Passage: Practice 1 (English II Reading)

You will read and annotate paired texts in order to make inferences, draw conclusions, and synthesize ideas and details using textual evidence.
Isolated Scenes and Plot Support (English II Reading)

You will be able to analyze various scenes in several works of fiction to see how those scenes affect the plot as a whole.
Distinguish Between Summary and Critique (English II Reading)

You will be able to summarize a text and distinguish between a summary and a critique, identifying nonessential information in a summary, and unsubstantiated opinions in a critique.
Imagery, Metaphor, and Simile (English II Reading)

You will be able to evaluate the role of imagery, metaphor, and simile in literary nonfiction such as speeches and essays.
Allusion (English II Reading)

You will be able to analyze the function of allusion in literary texts.
Compare and Contrast Similar Themes Across Time Periods (English II Reading)

You will be able to compare and contrast similar themes from different genres and different time periods.
Origins and Meanings of Foreign Words and Phrases (English II Reading)

You will become acquainted with the origins and meanings of foreign words and phrases frequently used in English texts.
Reference Materials (e.g., dictionaries, thesauri, glossaries) Printed and Electronic (English II Reading)

You will learn how to use dictionaries, glossaries, and thesauri in order to determine meanings of words and phrases, including their denotations, connotations, and etymologies.
Meter and Rhyme (English II Reading)

You will learn to analyze the meter, rhyme scheme, line length, punctuation, and word position in poetry.
Archetypes, Motifs, and Plot in Drama (English II Reading)

You will understand and analyze how archetypes and motifs in drama affect the plot of plays.
Syntax (English II Reading)

You will be able to evaluate the role of syntax in literary non-fiction such as speeches, essays, and other forms.
Evaluate a Text for its Graphics and Visual Appeal (English II Reading)

You will be able to evaluate a text for the clarity and appeal of its graphics.
Synthesize Information in Charts and Graphs (English II Reading)

You will be able to synthesize information that you find in charts and graphs.
Close Reading of Prose: Practice 2 (English II Reading)

You will read carefully in order to identify diction, tone, and irony, and evaluate their impact on the meaning of a text.
Close Reading of Poetry: Practice 3 (English II Reading)

You will read carefully in order to identify allusion, imagery, metaphor, and symbolism, and evaluate their impact on the meaning of a text.
Denotation and Connotation (English II Reading)

You will be able to distinguish between the denotative (dictionary) meaning of a word and its connotative (emotions or associations that are implied rather than literal) meaning.