What is economic growth?
How did the Industrial Revolution increase the rate of economic growth and income levels in the United States?
How much should a nation be concerned if its rate of economic growth is just 2 percent slower than other nations?
Over a period of time, an economy experiences a five–percent increase in nominal GDP. Over the same period of time, this economy also experiences six-percent inflation. Using these numbers, why is it that economic growth is measured as an increase in inflation-adjusted, or real, GDP?
How is GDP per capita calculated differently from labor productivity?
How do gains in labor productivity lead to gains in GDP per capita?
What is an aggregate production function?
What is capital deepening?
What do economists mean when they refer to improvements in technology?
What is R&D?
For a high-income economy like the United States, what elements of the aggregate production function are most important in bringing about growth in GDP per capita? What about a middle-income country such as Brazil? A low-income country such as Niger?
List some arguments for and against the likelihood of convergence.