What is a corporate merger? What is an acquisition?
What is the goal of antitrust policies?
How is a four-firm concentration ratio measured? What does a high measure mean about the extent of competition?
How is a Herfindahl-Hirshman Index measured? What does a low measure mean about the extent of competition?
Why can it be difficult to decide what a market is for purposes of measuring competition?
Students and senior citizens often pay a discounted price for movie tickets. Why is this so? Is this a form of price discrimination?
What is a minimum resale price maintenance agreement? How might it reduce competition and when might it be acceptable?
What is exclusive dealing? How might it reduce competition and when might it be acceptable?
What is a tie-in sale? How might it reduce competition and when might it be acceptable?
What is predatory pricing? How might it reduce competition, and why might it be difficult to tell when it should be illegal?
If public utilities are a natural monopoly, what would be the danger in deregulating them?
If public utilities are a natural monopoly, what would be the danger in splitting them up into a number of separate competing firms?
What is cost-plus regulation?
What is price cap regulation?
What is monopsony?
How are the labor market impacts of minimum wage laws and unions similar?
What is deregulation? Name some industries that have been deregulated in the United States.
What is regulatory capture?
Why does regulatory capture reduce the persuasiveness of the case for regulating industries for the benefit of consumers?