OER Transition Plan for Bluebonnet Learning Instructional Materials

January 28, 2025
Texas Education Agency

Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials are state-developed, SBOE-approved open education resources (OER) and qualify for additional funding entitlements established by House Bill (HB) 1605: 

For a school system to qualify for the State-Developed OER Entitlement for the procurement of Bluebonnet Learning, a school district’s Board of Trustees must adopt an OER Transition Plan (TEC, §31.0751, TEC, §67.1315). A transition plan is required when: 

  • initially adopting SBOE-approved instructional materials for any grade level or subject/course; or 

  • expanding implementation of SBOE-approved instructional materials to additional campuses and/or grade levels. 

Transition plans are to be adopted by the local Board of Trustees before the start of the academic school year and locally maintained by local school systems. The adopted plan will not need to be submitted to TEA; however, transition plans could be requested for review by the commissioner. School systems will report the completion of the transition plan through EMAT.  

Learn more about the OER Transition Plan for Bluebonnet Learning by: